This exercise is from our Core Skills section on Hammer Ons.
Here we hammer our way through a G pentatonic minor scale, ending in a small repeating lick - very similar to the triplet encountered in the last exercise.
Again, this is a very typical blues / rock lick. By now you should already know about pentatonic scales, but just to refresh...the pentatonic scale is easy because it only has 5 notes - hence the name: Pente (is the latin for 5) tonic (means tones / notes).
This is a G pentatonic minor scale. The notes are G Bb C D F in the G pentatonic minor scale. Pentatonic scales are very common in blues and rock, so are worth learning.
One of the great things about this particular pentatonic scale is that it just so happens that there are 2 notes per string. This makes for some fast hammers - We just pick the first note, hammer the next and repeat for each next string!
At the end we repeat the last 3 notes to get that nice triplet effect again. It spices up the scale and is a more fun way of finishing off - rather than just ending once we hit the G note on the high E string.
Notice the picking used - particularly for that last triplet, be careful to get that right! Use the upstroke / hammer on / downstroke trick again (mentioned in the last exercise), where you keep the pick tip inbetween the High B and E strings. This will give good economy of movement.
Use the "Light Strings" option from the settings menu to help out.
The G pentatonic minor scale notes are played in this order (hammered notes shown with an h before them):
G - hBb - C - hD - F - hG - Bb - hC - D - hF - G - repeat the last 3 notes over as a triplet lick!