Here is a quick summary of the scale game rules for this ActionTab....
- Use only the notes from the 2 E pentatonic minor scales we looked at in part one
- As the backing chords play through E5 - G5 - A5 use the E pentatonic minor scale (lower or higher position, no restrictions)
- As the backing music plays the A5 chord, use the A major scale (see below)
- As the backing music plays the B5 chord, use the B major scale (see below)
Go here to read more about the scale game used in this ActionTab. We assume you've done that already as here we will mainly deal with specific practical issues involved.
The main scale is the good old E Pentatonic Minor Scale:
E - G - A - B - D - E (Octave)
By now you should be well acquainted with that. However, we also have 2 new scales to consider - A major and B major:
A Major Scale: A - B - C# - D - E - F# - G# - A (Octave)
B Major Scale: B - C# - D# - E - F# - G# - A# - B(Octave)
Fear not. These 2 scales are not played for very long, and apart from 1 exception, we play each scale in the same position each time. Both scales are nearly always played using just 5 notes along 2 strings. So don't worry, we're not unloading a lot of new notes on you. In fact, both scales are identical fingerings, except for the fret position (just like barre chords). So once you know the A major scale, just shift up by 2 frets and do the same thing - you'll be playing B major! You should very quickly pick both scales up.
Use the pictures on this page to help you see the similarity between these scales.
Now, on to the game itself....
Stick with the E pentatonic scales for the majority of the song. No holds barred. But, as the main A5 backing chord kicks in - switch to the A major scale for your melody, just as we do here. You will need to anticipate the chord change in order to move your fingers into the right position. If you have been playing the previous scale game ActionTabs, this will be no problem for you now.
The A5 chord will always be followed by the B5 backing chord. Just slide / move up by 2 frets (i.e. from fret 12 to fret 14 with your 2nd finger on the A string). Then just use the same note patterns as that of A major at that new position. You will in fact be playing B major scale notes!
NB There is one exception where we play up on the high E string for the A major scale part. It's just a bit different and works well, so why not!
Now, for the technique side of things, notice how using the whammy bar, vibrato, bends, slides and even pinch harmonics can really lift those simple scales into a new dimension.
When you play these scale games for yourself, be creative. Use different techniques like we show here to get that extra 'something' into your melodies.
A few things are worth pointing out as they aren't instantly obvious...
The first is the starting bends. Hold the whammy bar with your little / 3rd finger of your picking hand. Pick the bend as normal. Now, as you reach the apex of the bend raise the whammy bar and waggle it up and down slightly. That's how to get that cool screamy effect!
Secondly, after the Low E divebomb, (depress the whammy bar long and slow), then start to return the whammy bar, and pick the A string just before you return the whammy bar to it's normal position. That way you are bending into the open A note, which can only be done with a whammy bar. It sounds good, and is worth experimenting with!
Lastly, for this bend push the strings up hard. Then release the bend slowly, and pick it using only downstrokes. That way, you can squeeze in sneaky pinch harmonics if you wish!!!
Learn anything you like the sound of in this ActionTab, and importantly, play your own scale game! Go to the Backing ActionTab and try out your own ideas! Come back to this ActionTab if you get stuck. And don't worry if you can't yet do all the fancy things we do here. That will come with time, the important thing is getting your fingers familiar with the scales. Play the game, stick at it - and you'll get the hang of creating melodies from scales!!!