Here we use the same triplets as the last exercise (F# and G major), and a new triplet (A major). We are going to use them over backing music. This will help you to see and hear the relationship between backing chords and solo-tapping triads.
First make sure to listen to the normal speed audio (Under Tools in the Menu). Notice that halfway through, the fingertapping kicks in at full speed.
Next, play through the ActionTab from the start. Notice that here the tempo is suddenly slowed down to show the fingertapping at a more comfortable pace when it kicks in.
The backing chord progression is shown at the start of the ActionTab (at normal speed). The chord progression is as follows:
F#5 - F#5 - G5 - F#5 - A5 - G5 (8 palm muted downstrokes) - Repeat.
Remember, things are slowed here, when the tapping starts, but the above chord progression remains the same!
Tapping Major Chord Triads
All we are doing is tapping the major triad for each of the chords as they appear in the backing music.
A chord is made up of at least 3 notes (triad). The most common chord type is the major chord. Instead of strumming the chords, we are tapping through the triads for some common major chords, albeit in a fast repetitive way.
So, as the F#5 chord is played in the backing music, we tap an F# major triplet (fast!). When the backing chord changes, we change the tapped triplet to one of the following:
F#5 backing chord (Triplet is F# - C# - A#)
G5 backing chord (Triplet is G - D - B)
A5 backing chord (Triplet is A - E - C#)
Each triplet is repeated 8 times per backing chord.
Notice how everything just 'works'. This is because we are using the backing chords to our advantage. We are playing a melody that changes with the backing chords. The melody is guaranteed to work because it is really just the notes of the backing chord anyway. The difference is that the 3 notes aren't strummed, they are tapped, pulled off etc, and played higher up the neck.
Notice that we are playing the same triplet over and over - the only difference is which note we start the triplet from. i.e The notes in each triplet are always the same number of frets apart, the only difference is which note we start from. And for this exercise, that depends on the backing chord!
The triplet we are playing here is for (any) major chord. Next, we will use a minor chord triplet.
NB If all this talk of triplets / chords is confusing you - go through the Theory section (if you don't want to start at the beginning you'll find the chords section most relevant to the topics covered here).